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The “Ocean Cleanup” people are mounting a collection activity on the rivers of southeast asia, before this plastic waste reaches the ocean, and they are now collecting while searching for a provider to process this waste into a feedstock. Perhaps you could contact them for resources?
I went through HEPXOL, and below is what is mentioned
Biobased plastics: a plastic where at least a part of the
content comes from renewable biological or agricultural
Biodegradable & biobased plastic : a plastic that is designed
to degrade under compost conditions. Containing renewable
Biodegradable plastics : a plastic that is designed
to degrade under compost conditions. Based on fossil
Dryflex Green TPE compounds are biobased
They don’t mentioned about how their product degrades. I’m guessing this has to be composted, just like other materials? Secondly, will this work in mix-material dump in the trash - just like the current scenario?
Any idea? Thanks!
I’m so sorry for the delay in replying. I have been traveling a lot and am buried in emails. I will be traveling again next week but after the 17 could we arrange a time to talk to see if we have some interests in common? My email is if you could send me a message on there, we can work on the scheduling. Thank you. Nicole.
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