5 Reasons Why the G20 Needs a Sustainable Blue Economy banner

5 Reasons Why the G20 Needs a Sustainable Blue Economy

Ocean-based climate solutions, often called "the blue economy," present a significant opportunity for the G20's recovery plans post-COVID-19. These solutions encompass five crucial areas, including sustainable fisheries and maritime renewable energies, which can create jobs, spur economic growth, and mitigate climate impacts. 

While the world's wetlands provide a staggering $47 trillion in ecological services annually, supporting over a billion jobs, these ecosystems are at risk from climate change, habitat destruction, and plastic pollution. The G20, in its effort to rebuild the global economy and fight climate change, should recognize and invest in ocean-based solutions, leveraging the tremendous potential to contribute to sustainable development and environmental protection.

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World Economic Forum

May 25, 2022

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