Agave By-Products: An Overview of Their Nutraceutical Value, Current Applications, and Processing Methods
Agave, a pivotal part of Mexican tradition and economy, yields valuable by-products like leaves, bagasse, and fibers. These components, rich in cellulose, hemicellulose, and other bioactive compounds, hold vast industrial potential. Agave's fructans content offers prebiotic properties, benefiting blood glucose and lipid levels in food applications. It also contains phytochemicals with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial attributes.
Agave fibers find application in composite materials due to their thermal properties. Bagasse is a promising biofuel source, valued for its water efficiency and high carbohydrate content. Optimizing pretreatments, saccharification, and fermentation are crucial for biofuel production. Emerging technologies like ultrasound offer sustainable alternatives. This review underscores the diverse industrial possibilities of agave by-products and calls for cost-effective processing methods for sustainable utilization.