An Introduction to the Forest Bioeconomy in Action's Greenhouse

Bioregions Open Innovation Challenge provides a framework to identify and support the development and scaling-up of innovative solutions (technologies, business ideas, etc.) to pressing challenges in forest management and forest bioeconomy. 

The objective is to facilitate sustainable transitions in European regions, putting into value the full range of ecosystem services provided by forests. 

This Greenhouse is related to the Open Innovation Challenge on Carbon Farming in Forests.

The 'Discover' section features solutions including:

  • Improved tools and solutions to monitor, trace, certify and monetize forest carbon, increasing trust at all levels.
  • Those facilitating engagement of all actors (forest owners, companies, citizens, etc.), activating and matching carbon offer with demand.
  • Those incorporating the different carbon sinks (e.g: biomass, soils, forest products), and possibly co-marketing of other ecosystem services.

In the "Discover" section, you can optimize your search of listed solutions by using filters to narrow down your search. Filter solutions by type of solution, location, organization type, stage of development, organization size, and by what the company is seeking. Solutions' headquarters can also be featured on a global map, by selecting 'View As: Map'. 

Click on a solution to access more information about it, including an overview of what the organization offers, as well as who are the key contact(s). The respective LinkedIn links allow you to contact them directly if needed. You can add comment, and ask question in the section located below the overview. Tagging other members will allow them to be notified through email.  

To recommend a new solution, click on the 'Recommend' button in the top right corner, and a member of the team will promptly review, to confirm if it can be featured. 

The  'Learn' section features projects, reports, scientific articles, news of the industry, and potential upcoming events of interest. If you come across any interesting news, or publications that you would like to see featured on the Greenhouse, please email Ronit Bohra

The Greenhouse also holds a collaboration space that enables members to exchange and ask questions through the 'Forum' section. 

To invite new members to the Greenhouse, click on the drop-down menu in the top right corner of your page, and select 'Invite a Member.'

If you have questions about any of the functionalities in the Greenhouse, you can click on the drop-down menu in the right-hand corner of your profile. Select "Take the Tour" to be guided through a tour of the Greenhouse.

Trademarks and copyrights are owned by European Forest Institute (EFI) and information is based on publicly available data. Ubuntoo is not affiliated with European Forest Institute (EFI)



European Forest Institute (EFI)

May 12, 2023

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