Attitudes towards Plastic Pollution: A Review and Mitigations beyond Circular Economy

In this review, the author addresses the pressing issue of plastic pollution, which continues to escalate despite heightened global awareness. The study explores the attitudes of diverse societal groups towards plastic pollution, aiming to pinpoint the behavioral obstacles hindering its reduction and propose effective solutions. The review conducts a thorough analysis of recent literature related to attitudes, behaviors, plastic consumption, management, and the emerging theme of plastics recycling.

The findings reveal that participants in the studies generally hold negative attitudes towards plastic pollution and are willing to take action against it. They express support for campaigns, environmentally friendly alternatives, and government interventions such as policies, regulations, and guidelines. Two primary barriers to behavioral change are inconvenience due to limited plastic alternatives and established habits.

The review suggests progressively regulating plastic production and consumption while involving the public through education, mutual influence, and awareness-raising, facilitated by governmental policies and programs.

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Kuok Ho Daniel Tang

June 15, 2023

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