Bio-waste: The Valuable Organic Resource in a Circular Economy banner

Bio-waste: The Valuable Organic Resource in a Circular Economy

This scientific article highlights the critical role of carbon and nutrient cycling for sustaining life on Earth. Ecosystems depend on the presence of both organic and inorganic matter, which serve as essential resources for living organisms. In particular, soil organic matter plays a crucial role in improving soil structure by enhancing its water holding capacity and creating favorable conditions for soil organisms.

However, human activities, such as extensive land use and the harvesting of plant material for various purposes, disrupt the natural balance of the soil carbon cycle. These activities generate significant amounts of residues commonly referred to as "bio-waste."

Overall, this article emphasizes the importance of understanding and managing carbon and nutrient cycling in order to maintain the health and productivity of ecosystems. Proper management strategies are necessary to mitigate the stress placed on the soil carbon cycle by human-induced activities.

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European Compost Network

January 6, 2017

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