Coal vs Methane vs Water. The future of hydrogen production. banner

Coal vs Methane vs Water. The future of hydrogen production.

Humans have been producing hydrogen for hundreds of years. Today, more than 100 million metric tons of hydrogen are produced a year - enough to fill more than 500 million olympic swimming pools at ambient pressure. More than 95% of the hydrogen produced today is produced from fossil fuels, emitting almost 10 kg of CO2 per kg hydrogen produced. Why then is hydrogen considered a clean alternative to fossil fuels?

This article is focussed on the supply side of hydrogen:

  1. The colors of the hydrogen rainbow
  2. Green: The promise of electrolyzers
  3. Green Hydrogen Cost: Why wind and solar energy change the equation
  4. Green Hydrogen Cost: Carbon taxes will help favor green but won’t do it on their own

Read the full article HERE

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Karen Baert & Thilo Braun

March 2, 2022

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