Fashion on Climate — How the Fashion Industry Can Urgently Act to Reduce Its Greenhouse Gas Emissions banner

Fashion on Climate — How the Fashion Industry Can Urgently Act to Reduce Its Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Mckinsey's research shows that the global fashion industry produced around 2.1 billion tonnes of GHG emissions in 2018, equalling 4% of the global total. This is equivalent to the combined annual GHG emissions

of France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Around 70% of the fashion industry’s emissions came from upstream activities such as materials production, preparation and processing. The remaining 30% were

associated with downstream retail operations, the use-phase and end-of-use activities. 

The report is part of a multiyear strategic-knowledge partnership between the Global Fashion Agenda and McKinsey & Company. The partnership aims to present research and a fact base on the priorities of CEOs and to guide and mobilize industry players in taking bold action on sustainability.

Trademarks and copyrights are owned by McKinsey and Company and information is based on publicly available data. Ubuntoo is not affiliated with McKinsey and Company


McKinsey and Company

August 28, 2020

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