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Marketing sustainability - Sustainability Defined

"You’re probably thinking, “Does something as awesome as sustainability even need to be marketed?” Turns out, half the fun of sustainability is spreading its positive impacts as far as possible. Hear from expert guest Soli Townsend, co-founder of the sustainability strategy and change agency Futerra, about how she has helped major companies market their sustainability actions and products all around the world. She'll also tell us about her new book The Happy Hero in which she explains how we can feel good by doing good. Join us as we start the year off right talking marketing, sustainability, and positivity with Soli!"

-Sustainability Defined Podcast 

"...a creative agency that our guest Soli Townsend co-founded, described one approach to marketing sustainability in its fantastic paper called “Sell the Sizzle” (8). This of course is a reference to the famous sales line, “Don’t sell the sausage, sell the sizzle.” The “sizzle” refers not to the thing itself, but to what gets people hungry and excited for the thing. Futerra argues that the climate change movement has not successfully sold the sizzle. Images of global sea level rise, hunger, and displacement make the future look hellish, and hell don’t make people want to join the sustainability movement. Instead, Futerra believes we should focus on the opposite –– a low-carbon heaven –– to help people envision a better, desirable future, and motivate them to make choices actions that send them in the right direction."

Listen to this episode to learn how to market and build a marketing campaign for sustainability 

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Sustainability Defined

January 6, 2018

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