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Powering the Seaweed Revolution

Lloyd’s Register Foundation, The UN Global Compact and CNRS launched the Safe Seaweed Coalition to drive a sustainable seaweed industry.
The Financial Times hosted a public digital event to launch the Coalition on 17 March, 2021.

If you missed the webinar on Powering the Restorative Revolution of Seaweed, you can watch on the Safe Seaweed Coalition  channel.

Panel Discussion

  • How can an upscaled, responsible and restorative seaweed industry play a significant role in contributing to food security, climate change mitigation, poverty reduction, gender equity and the support of marine ecosystems?
  • What needs to be done to make sure oceanic ecosystems recover from degradation and biodiversity loss with the safe cultivation of seaweed? How can cultivation mitigate the effects of global climate change and restore abundance and biodiversity?
  • Why is global collaboration necessary, and how can we learn from Asia’s example to leverage the full potential of seaweed?
  • How can science-based decision-making be integrated into each stage of emerging regulations? How can advocacy amongst the public be improved in the coming years?

Trademarks and copyrights are owned by Global Seaweed Coalition, Financial Times and information is based on publicly available data. Ubuntoo is not affiliated with Global Seaweed Coalition, Financial Times


Global Seaweed Coalition

Financial Times

March 18, 2021

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