Realising Reuse: The potential for scaling up reusable packaging, and policy recommendations banner
Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

Realising Reuse: The potential for scaling up reusable packaging, and policy recommendations

At the European level, the revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive in 2021 offers an opportunity to revolutionize Europe's approach to packaging and distribution of products. Europe has also set a target to make all packaging reusable or recyclable by 2030, as outlined in the 2020 Circular Economy Action Plan. While policymakers, packaging producers, and major players in the consumer goods industry have predominantly focused on incremental improvements in recycling rates, this study takes a different perspective, advocating for ambitious increases in the adoption of reusable packaging.

Why is reuse important? Currently, reusable packaging is experiencing historically low usage levels. Even in sectors where reuse was once common, such as beverages, it has been steadily declining over the past few decades. However, there are encouraging signs of change, with some areas of retail witnessing growth in reuse and refill practices. Several major brands are also conducting pilot projects in this area. Moreover, research is revealing the considerable environmental benefits of reuse, such as waste reduction and emission reduction.

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Rethink Plastic

December 22, 2021

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