Reusable VS Single-Use Packaging – A Review of Environmental Impact banner

Reusable VS Single-Use Packaging – A Review of Environmental Impact

A joint report from Zero Waste Europe (ZWE), the University of Utrecht, and Reloop reveals that reusable packaging significantly reduces carbon emissions compared to single-use counterparts. Packaging contributes to 36% of Europe's municipal solid waste, prompting the need for alternatives. The report utilizes life cycle assessments comparing the environmental impacts of single-use and reusable packaging, revealing the environmental superiority of reusable options in most cases. 

Factors like the number of usage cycles and break-even distances contribute to the success of reusable packaging. The analysis further investigates how different packaging types, like bottles and crates, vary in impact. The report concludes with suggestions to enhance the benefits of reusable systems, emphasizing deposit return schemes, pooling systems, standardization, and consumer-friendly pricing, among other strategies to foster a successful reusable packaging system.

Trademarks and copyrights are owned by Zero Waste Europe and information is based on publicly available data. Ubuntoo is not affiliated with Zero Waste Europe


Zero Waste Europe

December 2, 2020

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