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Sustainable Design for Plastic Packaging

A report released by the British Plastics Federation (BPF) presents the outcomes of a sustainable design workshop involving packaging experts from different sectors of the supply chain, outlining the decision-making processes and principles for eco-design in developing sustainable plastic packaging. 

The workshop brought together representatives from brands, retailers, material suppliers, manufacturers, waste processors, NGOs, and academia, with the report reflecting the diverse perspectives expressed. The identified principles include simplicity in design, utilization of widely recyclable materials whenever feasible, and the incorporation of easily separable components, among other top-level recommendations aimed at reducing the environmental impact of plastic packaging. 

The report also provides insights into the key organizations and teams involved throughout the development of new plastic packaging, highlighting their roles and influence in the decision-making process.

Trademarks and copyrights are owned by The British Plastics Federation and information is based on publicly available data. Ubuntoo is not affiliated with The British Plastics Federation


The British Plastics Federation

April 22, 2020

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