The Fiber Bible: Part One banner

The Fiber Bible: Part One

This report presents a study of the technical performance of new sustainable textile fibers. The sister report scrutinizes the definition of “new sustainable textile fibers” and quantifies the environmental potential of fibers. Together they aim to identify the fibers with the greatest potential to mitigate the environmental impact of fibers currently dominating the fashion industry.

The authors wanted to quantify the environmental potential of fibers and compare them on a fair and level playing field, with the aim to guide policy makers, industry and end customers in selecting “winners” and “losers”. A multitude of other reports and tools with similar aims exist, though this report includes more types of textile fibers provides more quantitative data on their performance, and to a greater extent discuss the data found, as well as the data not found.

Trademarks and copyrights are owned by Mistra Future Fashion and information is based on publicly available data. Ubuntoo is not affiliated with Mistra Future Fashion


Mistra Future Fashion

October 2, 2020

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