Unwrapping the Arguments … Solving Packaging and Food Waste Through Government/industry Collaboration

It is critical in federated countries such as Canada and the US for governments to negotiate agreements with industry leaders to solve packaging and food waste, rather than enact conflicting regulations and misaligned systems that can impede environmental efforts. According to Dr. Claire Koelsch Sand, "negotiated agreements can ensure the creation and successful implementation of coherent, stable policies that extend far beyond an election cycle and political divisions between tiers of government; as has occurred, for example, in the UK and Australia."

The author calls for the industry and government to establish a negotiated agreement that lays out explicit packaging and FLW targets. In the proposed agreement, the packaging industry is legally accountable for meeting targets, while the government is accountable for helping the industry to achieve those targets. Achieving these outcomes will require the packaging industry and government to collaborate in unique ways.

Trademarks and copyrights are owned by Dr. Claire Koelsch Sand and information is based on publicly available data. Ubuntoo is not affiliated with Dr. Claire Koelsch Sand


Dr. Claire Koelsch Sand

May 18, 2021

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