Why Bees are Critical for Achieving Sustainable Development

This article explores the critical role bees play in achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), emphasizing that bees contribute to 15 of the 17 SDGs across at least 30 specific targets. It highlights the broader ecosystem benefits provided by bees, beyond their well-known role in pollination, such as enhancing food security and biodiversity. The study underscores the need for greater recognition of these contributions to fully leverage bees in sustainable development initiatives.

The decline in global bee populations is a growing concern, drawing attention from scientists, the public, and policymakers. This concern is paired with increasing recognition of bees' importance, which offers opportunities for conservation efforts and pro-pollinator initiatives in various management practices. The article advocates for a holistic view of ecosystems that includes both wild and managed bees and human interactions to address sustainability challenges effectively.

It proposes a research agenda focused on understanding the complex relationships between bees, humans, and the environment. This includes examining social and ecological interconnections, the impact of bee diversity on SDG targets, and the potential for optimizing ecosystem services through bee conservation. The paper calls for action to restore and maintain bee populations to ensure their continued role in supporting sustainable development.

Trademarks and copyrights are owned by Vidushi Patel et al. and information is based on publicly available data. Ubuntoo is not affiliated with Vidushi Patel et al.



Vidushi Patel et al.

April 20, 2020

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